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Business planning

Withholding tax and dividends abroad
To the practical example Inbound dividends and their withholding taxation Are you a shareholder who owns foreign stocks? Then you are probably someone who has to deal with foreign dividends – and the corresponding withholding tax in your tax returns. Dividends that accrue abroad are usually subject to withholding tax. In the end, the only [...]
Financial Planning Under Uncertainty: Convincing Investors
Any investor is by definition anxious about the possibility of losing the investment. This anxiety is actually not unjustified towards start-ups or unsecured loans. It can be however reduced through a foresighted planning. The main point here is not to pull the wool over the investor’s eyes, but to deploy efficient strategies to minimize the [...]
How do I create business plan that will convince investors?
The obvious goal of the business plan is to receive resources for the company. Most entrepreneurs focus on it, and other aspects which may prove useful in further development of the company – such as the planning function of a business plan – stay forgotten. When advertising expenditures, wages or product prices are changed, financial, [...]
Financial Planning: Typical Mistakes of Start-Ups
Business ideas are often judged by the degree of their innovation or creativity. These criteria are undoubtedly useful and important, but more significant issue is the correlation between costs and income from a long-term perspective. The question can be answered only by a thorough analysis of the financial parameters of the business idea. Judging from [...]
Financial Planning For Analysing Capital Requirements
Identification of capital requirements It’s not only strategic decisions that are usually connected with additional capital requirements – constant operative activities are the subject of its analysis as well. Long-term capital planning depends on different factors, such as capital expenditure on investment, restructuring, production relocation, etc. In addition to this, external effects, such as exchange [...]
Optimizing Strategy Through Financial Planning
Strategic planning Maybe you have already faced the following questions: Can my company afford a larger investment next year? Will this investment generate an added value? How high is the synergy potential in new investments, purchases or reorientation? What is the liquidity situation for the following years? In turbulent times, factors mount up, and the company must react accordingly. [...]